Monday, March 29, 2010

"Cairn Acres" Is The Place To Be, June 25-27

Dress in your farm clothes or in your New York finest and join us for our annual Cairn Terrier specialty in Long Beach, California, June 25, 26 and 27.

The Cairn Terrier Club of Southern California will hold its annual specialty on June 25. Supported entries will be held on June 26 and 27 for the two Great Western Terrier Association shows.

We’ll host the event with both lunch and dinner on the grounds near the Queen Mary on Friday, June 25, at a very affordable cost to all.

This year we will have both puppy and veteran sweepstakes all three days – Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The trophies have arrived and the committee is working on the farm décor! Donations to our trophy fund are very much appreciated.

Donations can be made payable to CTCSC, and sent to Dennis Broderick, 4328 W 164th St., Lawndale, CA 90260. If you have an item to donate for the raffle, please contact Carol Roemer.

If anyone knows of someone who has not attended our specialty in the past that they know would like to receive a premium list and specialty booklet, please contact Karen Smith.

All contact information is available on our website at, as are booklets and raffle information.

Join us for another fabulous weekend of fun, this year down on the farm.


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